During my discussion with stakeholders regarding feature improvements we concluded that when using the app Flo, a period tracking app, there were opportunities for improvement regarding user customization, specifically viewing notes taken on a particular day as well as recording more contraceptive types.
Research Begins:
Following this discussion, I started researching this topic and came upon very informative research articles with the topic of period/fertility tracking apps.
Experience Design of Digital Period Trackers
Goals, life events, and transitions: examining fertility apps for holistic health tracking
Goals, life events, and transitions: examining fertility apps for holistic health tracking
In these articles I learned that I was not the only user struggling with the need to report different kinds of contraceptives and other life circumstances. I also learned that indeed there were other limitations of customization for target users who fall outside of the normal/healthy range such as irregular periods, fertility issues, endometriosis, non-heteronormative individuals, and quite simply women who want to avoid getting pregnant instead of wanting to become pregnant.
The article states "One of the major shortcomings identified from the interviews, and in line with the literature review, was the lack of flexibility in customizing the period tracker to meet users’ specific needs. This indicated a lack in being able to indicate two types of information: (1) extraneous linked factors like contraception type, and (2) changeable life situations like pregnancy or menopause, but also fixed and relevant contextual information like endometriosis."
Click here to view research summary that led me to assume the following problem statement.
I would also like to make it clear that if I had the time and resources I would also have done research with real users however for the purpose of this assignment I made assumptions based off of the user experiences stated in the above articles.
Problem Statements
User Problem Definition:
Users of period tracking apps often require unique customizations that are particular to their health, age, orientation, and/or current goals that are not provided on popular period/fertility tracking apps. This is a problem because individuals’ needs are being excluded from these apps causing them to feel excluded on a social scale as well.
Business Problem Definition:
Being that this project includes a pricing page I felt it also necessary to create a problem statement for the business goal:
By businesses (specifically Flo) not providing customizations for unique user scenarios, they are missing out on profitable opportunities to increase their user base as well becoming a FemTech leader in promotion of inclusiveness thereby creating social impact.
Why is the problem important?
This problem is important because there is a range of users who feel their needs aren’t being met and are being excluded from platforms creating negative social impact. This is an opportunity for creating positive social impact and should not go without being addressed.
Outlining Features
How Might We:
1. "HMW allow users to better customize the period tracker to their own situation?" (life stage, fertility, contraception usage, relevant health condition)
2."HMW present information to users in a way that is congruent to their situation?"
2."HMW present information to users in a way that is congruent to their situation?"
Main Feature: Customization
1. Inclusivity:
User will be able to customize their goals and current health during onboarding.
Users will be given more tracking parameters and symptoms that address more needs.
2. Contraception:
User will be able to record their form of contraception and methods of protection.
User will be able to customize their goals and current health during onboarding.
Users will be given more tracking parameters and symptoms that address more needs.
2. Contraception:
User will be able to record their form of contraception and methods of protection.
3. Notes:
Users will be able to utilize the note feature better by being able view it more easily.
Users will be able to utilize the note feature better by being able view it more easily.

Pricing Page
Research Continues:
I studied pricing pages in depth and also considered how the new features should be incorporated into the pricing. Here I had to consider both the users of the app and the business to ensure that the users would benefit and purchase the app while the business would increase customer base and increase revenue.
Here I had to differentiate between pricing page for SaaS platform and pricing page for a stand-alone app. Regarding SaaS there are value metrics that can be considered when divvying up the plans. Being that I was creating a feature pricing page for a stand-alone app I began studying business models for stand-alone apps.
Business models for stand-alone apps:

I went through each of these models and listed the pros and cons.
E. Subscription
Currently Flo app is a subscription based model. I don't feel this is the right pricing plan. Period tracking can start anywhere from age 12 and go up to age 55 therefore users shouldn't need to pay for all these years because of basic biology. I do understand that it is a good revenue structure for the business because they are collecting steady cash flow.
Currently Flo app is a subscription based model. I don't feel this is the right pricing plan. Period tracking can start anywhere from age 12 and go up to age 55 therefore users shouldn't need to pay for all these years because of basic biology. I do understand that it is a good revenue structure for the business because they are collecting steady cash flow.
Take a look at this interesting survey regarding subscription apps:

A. Free with ads
It is very annoying in general to have ads but especially in an app that is tracking health, ads could deter users even if the app is free.
It is very annoying in general to have ads but especially in an app that is tracking health, ads could deter users even if the app is free.
B. Freemium
Free with optional features for a fee is a good plan because the app is free! Also, it keeps the business competitive because now they have to create good features that people will buy.
C. One-off fee + free upgrades
Here, the pro for the user is that it is a 1x fee for life however the business may have to charge a lot since this is their one opportunity to charge for their product. Something important to note is that this model wold require a free trial because a user wont typically buy an expensive app without trying it. In general this would be a nonissue however it's important to keep in mind that trials usually run about 7 days to a month. A typical period cycle is a month which means that for a user to really understand the value this app has to offer they may have to go through 3 period cycles and that might be too long of a free trial to offer from the business side.
D. One-off fee + fee for major upgrades ONLY
This is a good option as well because this gives the user a choice in whether they want to upgrade in the future. Also this keeps a competitive market because the business will always want to include upgrades that make a big impact. The user is more likely to purchase major upgrades in this case. The downside this model poses is the same as C where the free trial would cause a problem.
Therefore I went for a mixture of Freemium and a one-off fee to upgrade to premium instead of a monthly/yearly subscription. In this plan, users don't need to test out a trial, they have access to a free app, and if they find value in the premium version they will upgrade for a one-time fee knowing that they won't have to continuously pay for as long as they are tracking their period health.
Free with optional features for a fee is a good plan because the app is free! Also, it keeps the business competitive because now they have to create good features that people will buy.
C. One-off fee + free upgrades
Here, the pro for the user is that it is a 1x fee for life however the business may have to charge a lot since this is their one opportunity to charge for their product. Something important to note is that this model wold require a free trial because a user wont typically buy an expensive app without trying it. In general this would be a nonissue however it's important to keep in mind that trials usually run about 7 days to a month. A typical period cycle is a month which means that for a user to really understand the value this app has to offer they may have to go through 3 period cycles and that might be too long of a free trial to offer from the business side.
D. One-off fee + fee for major upgrades ONLY
This is a good option as well because this gives the user a choice in whether they want to upgrade in the future. Also this keeps a competitive market because the business will always want to include upgrades that make a big impact. The user is more likely to purchase major upgrades in this case. The downside this model poses is the same as C where the free trial would cause a problem.
Therefore I went for a mixture of Freemium and a one-off fee to upgrade to premium instead of a monthly/yearly subscription. In this plan, users don't need to test out a trial, they have access to a free app, and if they find value in the premium version they will upgrade for a one-time fee knowing that they won't have to continuously pay for as long as they are tracking their period health.

Should my features be free or premium?
I felt that my features should be included in the free version of the app because I didn't feel it was right to have symptoms and trackers free for individuals with healthy periods and at a cost for more complex situations. The contraceptive customization is a basic need when tracking periods which is why I felt it should be part of the free version. The notes was not so much a new feature as it was an improvement in the functioning of a feature. Therefore this also should be included in the free version.
To differentiate between the free and premium for $39.99 I followed a similar model to the way the app is structured today. Most of the custom insights, video courses, virtual assistant are included in the paid version because it provides a value that truly enhances period tracking but is not necessary for basic needs.
Pricing Page? App Store? In-App Purchases?!
I came up with a few ways of presenting the pricing page because as mentioned earlier, this is not your typical SaaS in which a user lands on a website page to purchase a plan. Therefore I designed a desktop and mobile landing page, with a download in app store button. This takes the user to either the desktop or mobile app store and only in the mobile store can they then download the app. Although not typical for stand-alone app landing pages to included the comparison of plans, I still included it to help clarify the two plans and the features in each of them.
Because the pricing page in this project was not the typical SaaS pricing page but rather a stand-alone app, I really thought about all the possible ways one can interact with an apps pricing page. Aside from the alternate versions above, a user will more than 75% of the time view the pricing page/features in the app itself!
Therefore I designed a screen of what a user would experience once they reached the maximum number of "free" custom insights.

Return to my problem:
User Problem Definition:
Users of period tracking apps often require unique customizations that are particular to their health, age, orientation, and/or current goals that are not provided on popular period/fertility tracking apps. This is a problem because individuals’ needs are being excluded from these apps causing them to feel excluded on a social scale as well.
Business Problem Definition:
By businesses (specifically Flo) not providing customizations for unique user scenarios, they are missing out on profitable opportunities to increase their user base as well becoming a FemTech leader in promotion of inclusiveness thereby creating social impact.
I believe that I addressed 3 features that only scratch the surface of the endless possibilities of customization in the Flo app. I also believe the pricing of the features of the app will increase users since now the user caters to a larger population and the users will see the value in the premium custom insights enhancing their period tracking journey and eventually pay the fee to have access.
Addressing real user problems:
I want to also list here some quotes of real users from a research study I read to demonstrate that the features, design, and pricing plan truly addresses their needs:
1. “I would want options like just started the pill just got the coil, just taken emergency contraception, everything to do with my period in terms of contraception…these things affect you so much.”
2. “I lost two pregnancies and I cannot track that in the app, which completely messes up cycle predictions. No app, I did not have a sixty days cycle. I had a miscarriage!”
3. “I really like this app to plan for pregnancy, but now that I am using it after conceiving, it keeps saying it cannot track because my periods are irregular. I want to tell the app that I know! I had a child and then I breastfed for two years. Now I need the app’s help until I get regular again.”
4. "The app always asks ‘did you have sex? It is the perfect time to make love with you partner today’ […] I am still a teenager and I am still not thinking to have sex."
5. “I wish there were more symptoms specific to my condition, but I know this app is not for people in the peri-menopause stage."
6. "I would like additions for tracking night sweats, sleeplessness, hot flashes."
2. “I lost two pregnancies and I cannot track that in the app, which completely messes up cycle predictions. No app, I did not have a sixty days cycle. I had a miscarriage!”
3. “I really like this app to plan for pregnancy, but now that I am using it after conceiving, it keeps saying it cannot track because my periods are irregular. I want to tell the app that I know! I had a child and then I breastfed for two years. Now I need the app’s help until I get regular again.”
4. "The app always asks ‘did you have sex? It is the perfect time to make love with you partner today’ […] I am still a teenager and I am still not thinking to have sex."
5. “I wish there were more symptoms specific to my condition, but I know this app is not for people in the peri-menopause stage."
6. "I would like additions for tracking night sweats, sleeplessness, hot flashes."
Next Steps
Moving forward I would want to test this pricing page with real users and track downloads/purchases and compare to existing data in order to check if this design solution works, and if not what about it doesn't work. For now, whoever is reading this will have to make that assessment. 😉
The colors are neutral, warm, and earthy to promote inclusivity with individuality. Designs are loose forms for a true sense of flow and ease.
Area for Improvement
1. Better research on contraceptives, for example coil, (not all inclusive)
2. Actually carrying out the features (flows of all the different user types - more medical/science research)
3. Pricing - not enough research into the number, benefit for company, if users would purchase
4. Testing on users
5. Competitor research
6. Style Guide (incomplete)
2. Actually carrying out the features (flows of all the different user types - more medical/science research)
3. Pricing - not enough research into the number, benefit for company, if users would purchase
4. Testing on users
5. Competitor research
6. Style Guide (incomplete)
Period Tracking Research
Flo Case Study by Neuron
Digital Reminders of a Lost Pregnancy
What is PCOS?
Flo General Information
Experience Design of Digital Period Trackers
Goals, life events, and transitions: examining fertility apps for holistic health tracking
Flo Case Study by Neuron
Digital Reminders of a Lost Pregnancy
What is PCOS?
Flo General Information
Experience Design of Digital Period Trackers
Goals, life events, and transitions: examining fertility apps for holistic health tracking
Pricing Pages
In-App Purchase Pricing Strategy - How to Maximize Revenue
Set up a pricing page - Wix
Comment: I don’t think subscription apps are a sustainable business model
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What is a value metric?
What the Heck Are Value Metrics? And How To Find Yours?
Welcome to the metrics- Everything you need to know about app marketing KPIs - Appsflyer
How to use value metrics to optimize pricing
The Best Pricing Page Examples: What Makes Customers Want to Buy?
How to Design Mobile SaaS Pricing Pages that Don’t Suck
Subscription Billing vs One-time License Fee : Learn How They Compare
How to price mobile in-app subscriptions
In-App Purchase Pricing Strategy - How to Maximize Revenue
Set up a pricing page - Wix
Comment: I don’t think subscription apps are a sustainable business model
SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS: What’s The Difference & How To Choose
What is a value metric?
What the Heck Are Value Metrics? And How To Find Yours?
Welcome to the metrics- Everything you need to know about app marketing KPIs - Appsflyer
How to use value metrics to optimize pricing
The Best Pricing Page Examples: What Makes Customers Want to Buy?
How to Design Mobile SaaS Pricing Pages that Don’t Suck
Subscription Billing vs One-time License Fee : Learn How They Compare
How to price mobile in-app subscriptions